Bonqo Kill

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    GTA V

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  1. Bonqo Kill

    Interview avec le gagnant de la Bravado Banshee 2013

    Okay, just tell me if they're really really bad. XD
  2. Bonqo Kill

    Interview avec le gagnant de la Bravado Banshee 2013

    Other than using Google translate, I'm unable to type in French. Is it okay if I use Google translate to convert my messages then?
  3. Bonqo Kill

    Interview avec le gagnant de la Bravado Banshee 2013

    Hi guy, and congrats   You know, over here, unleaded gasoline is usually sold about $2 per liter... somewhat between $7 or $8 for a gallon !   Then I have absolutely nothing to complain about! It's about 3-4 USD ($) here for a gallon. Sorry if I can't accurately say liter, because America is apparently slow when it comes to the metric system... xD
  4. Bonqo Kill

    Interview avec le gagnant de la Bravado Banshee 2013

    Trick Question: All Fuel is considered expensive here.
  5. Bonqo Kill

    Interview avec le gagnant de la Bravado Banshee 2013

    It's modern day America for you. I would bet 50% of the population here doesn't know how to drive stick.