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Tout ce qui a été posté par eXonuS83
Update: We're currently working on a title update for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 to address commonly reported issues with GTA Online. We hope to have it out for download as soon as tomorrow. Thank you everyone for continuing to bear with us since yesterday’s initial roll out of Grand Theft Auto Online – we’re aware that a variety of technical difficulties have made it difficult to get access and that the experience has been a bit less than smooth for many of you who jumped in straight away, so here are a few updates as of this afternoon to keep you all apprised. At the Rockstar Games Support site, there is a dedicated article listing out the most common technical issues being reported. Things are changing and developing frequently but here are some latest updates as of this afternoon: For PlayStation 3 users, a PlayStation Network server issue was detected that was limiting the amount of possible concurrent users. This was preventing most players from accessing GTA Online altogether and as of this morning, that problem was resolved. There is an issue that is preventing some players from getting through the first tutorial mission across both platforms. Many players have been able to get through this with repeated retries, and we are working on unblocking this for everyone as soon as possible. This morning, we experienced some instability across the GTA Online services which is affecting even people who have progressed beyond the tutorial mission. We are identifying these issues now and are working to restore stability for users as soon as possible. For the time being and until we have been able to get everybody access to GTA Online and things are running smoothly, we have disabled the option of purchasable GTA$ cash packs. Players can however keep on earning GTA$ by pulling off Jobs and other profitable gameplay activities rather than purchasing cash packs. You can keep updated on these and other common issues by subscribing to the GTA Online Launch Status Rockstar Support article at http://support.rockstargames.com/hc/en-us/articles/200426246-GTA-Online-Launch-Status-Latest-Updates-. Subscribers will be sent an automatic notification as updates happen. All of these initial technical issues will be ironed out as soon as we can. Please know that the entire team here at Rockstar and all of our relevant partners are and will continue to be working around the clock to get the experience to be as smooth as possible, as soon as possible. In the meantime, for anyone experiencing technical problems, we encourage you to report them to our dedicated Support Team at Support.RockstarGames.com and at twitter.com/RockstarSupport. This is the best place to get direct technical help and we are constantly looking at the most commonly reported issues there to resolve. For those of you who have been getting into and playing GTA Online, we also encourage you to please share your gameplay experience feedback with us at GTAOnline@rockstargames.com so that we may know what aspects you’re liking and disliking to help guide how the game will grow and evolve past this initial period. Thanks again everyone for your patience and your support – we will continue to keep you updated. tener c rockstar ki mai sa ds news serie sa evitera tt les rigolo ki fon 4000 perso
je joue sur xbox 360 jarrive a faire mission et survie mai pour rejoindre une partie aleatoire c griser je ne c po pk parfoi sa marche parfoi nn vous penser que c du en un bug ? http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/snapmatic/photo/mzG-Kr20kECCHiUud3JLPg c mon perso et sa bike en arriere je sui lvl 17
mai les gas si le cloud c a dire le petit cercle jaune en bas a droite ne saffiche pa a chaque parti c mor pour vous
ben moi je sui rang 15 la
ben ta plus a faire de mission et tu debloque les activité stile affrontement etc....
Mais bien-sûr, et la marmotte elle met le chocolat dans le papier alu ? J'ai jamais vus des conneries pareilles, la ps3 est plus puissante que la xbox mais elle ne supporte pas ce pauvre GTA5, franchement pour dire ça, ferme ta gweule ! xD nn mai sa va je casser les couille reste poli tu voi ta reagi c vraiment stupide comme reaction surtou ke la nest po le sujet a savoir si la ps3 ou la xbox et plus puissante enfin ct marrant
c pas le codage qui foire c votre console (ps3) qui ne supporte plus c tout
nous sur xbox sa marche mai on a des probleme de save sur largent et souvent pour faire des activiter obliger de se lancer en mission avant
bon ben la sur 360 c nikel tt et fonctionel ya des gas il sont rang 19 moi je sui 13 tsss enfin bon je v po me plaindre pour moi sa marche
ben le truc si g bien vu il dise que il regle c probleme j'ai vu sa sur rockstar support en tou cas il est bien se multi on va se regaler une fois tous sa regler
ben moi g le perso mai pb de crew et les jp ki ne save po ni les voiture ni la monaie un peu chiant mai po bien grave diron nous multi online mai sur xbox
jesper que sa va etre stable asser rapidement tro hate de vraimen pouvoir minpliker
sur le tel le site maz bank vous pouvés retirer et deposé
1) Évite cette expression c'est dépasser depuis mon arrière grand mère et nullissime comme la voiture en arrière plan de ta photo 2) Le correcteur d’orthographe de ton ordi à rendu l'âme je crois osef du correcteur et pour l'expression et la voiture je prend sa pour de la jalousie
nn mai alo koi t un jeu online ta pas de online mdr
oué ben en esperant qui nous pondent un truc pck entre instabiliter et bug en tout genre lol koi pour ma par c la premierre foi qu'un jeux qui se dit online ne l'est pas enfin je di je dit rien
pui fau se dire qui il ya 100 niveau en rep a faire dc ta le temp ds faire des sous
faut faire mission en crew sa raporte ds les 5000
moi g pu acheter un garage a 26 k et g 21 k
oui normalemen on a le meme pb en ce momen sur xbox
ben evidemen qui bosse dessu mai fau etre compreensive vs voyer bien ke c la merde
sur xbox aussi c un peu le bazr mai les pb ke vous aver ojourdui on les a eu hier et maintenan nos serv son saturé je di peu etre une betise mai je pense que les serv son vraiment saturer dc voila pour ma part je sui lvl 13 c po mal mai ya vraimen de gro souci et sa plombe vraimen tt
po besoin de supre le perso xbox fau te co a partir du mode histoire et tu va ds longlet en ligne et selection de perso et ton perso et la