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À propos de Zyrtecc

  • Rang
  • Date de naissance 05/06/1989

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  • GTA favori
    GTA V

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  1. Zyrtecc

    Recherche des mystères de GTA V

    Salut tout le monde, ça fait longtemps que je ne suis pas passé.   http://www.mcm.fr/gta-v-le-mystere-extraterrestres-decouvert-a228922.html   P.S: j'ai pas lu les pages depuis la 370-400 donc peut-être que le lien que je viens de donner est déjà connu. P.S²: Il ne manque plus qu'une mise à jour je suppose...
  2. Zyrtecc

    Recherche des mystères de GTA V

    Est-ce que quelqu'un suit la secte sur Twitter ?
  3. Zyrtecc

    Recherche des mystères de GTA V

    Salut tout le monde,   J'ai envoyé un mail au contact KIFFLOM ( https://www.rockstargames.com/epsilonprogram/contact.htm ) Je ne sais pas si quelqu'un a déjà tenté sa chance...   ============================================= Hi, What is the signification of the paint from Mont Chilliad ? How can i solve it ? Can you give me a clue ? KIFFLOM ============================================== Réponse (automatique). ============================================== Thank you so much for contacting the Epsilon Program. You just made a brilliant decision. The decision to challenge conventional orthodoxies and lots of entirely false and disgusting stories in the press (in response to which, trust us, we are preparing some very exciting law suits). While we cannot personally respond right away to each email, please know that we do read it and your information is cherished. For a long time. To obtain response faster, please provide your name, age, headshot, and some simple information regarding your gross income and exactly what it is you are searching for, so we can point you in the direction of the correct further study program (remember – even though some of the study programs may seem expensive, how do you put a price on the kind of knowledge that will make life a lot better? The simple fact is you don't, unless you are a fool and Epsilonists are not fools. So ask yourself: am I a fool? And if I am not, I won't worry about investing in my future in a well reasoned study program in order to know literally everything about everything, just like lots of top celebrities and thinkers – and the fact is by contacting us, you've proven you're not a fool, so you should really consider this an investment you've already made. By the way, while we are on that subject, we have some great financing opportunities available in case you cannot afford the truth but really want to know it – competitive rates and exciting investment – what could be better about salvation?). We promise based on your response we'll answer in an appropriate timeframe. To get answers even faster, might we recommend visiting an Epsilon Center? We have houses of worship in cities around the world. Our headquarters is in Vinewood, though in an effort to not mix business and spirituality, we're also incorporated in the Cayman Islands as dictated to our leader Cris Formage by the great Lord Kraff in a dream. Lots of top politicians and celebrities use the Cayman Islands for investments, proving what a wise decision this is. Why exactly did you email us today? Are you seeking truths? Truths about yourself? In today's rat race of capitalism, we often forget the important things in life. Why horde possessions or squirrel money away in a savings account when none of that brings happiness? We can show you how to use your possessions and life savings towards a better understanding and a better life! It's a life with equally minded individuals seeking approval and, through a convenient payment system, easy to understand levels of enlightenment to attain. That's the truth and it's also a fact and facts are what make Espilonism such an exciting scientific-based belief system. You've already proven you're not a fool, so now prove you're a scientist. Are you ready? There are truths so simple, so powerful, but you have to acquire the right tools to understand them. We can give you those tools. Look at many of our most famous members and you will see – they have the tools to make you believe they are someone they are not. They have fame and fortune and multiple partners. This is the core of Epsilonism. Seek, invest, and this time, you shall find the answers you are looking for. Or if not quite this time, then as soon as our online services program is updated to reflect a very minor argument with the IRS. * Won't you join us? Together we can Learn your own truth. Cris and the Epsilon team *= Dear friends at the IRS - We're a religion! In FACT, we're the fastest growing religion in America, growing by lots of people recently and that is a FACT, so please don't embarrass yourselves by taking us to court. Give us the same tax breaks you give other religions or we will do something really nasty, without you even knowing it was us, even though Epsilonism is a religion of truth and understanding, we also know how to set fire to things remotely and cause lots of other bad problems. ============================================== Je n'ai pas encore lu la réponse, j'ai directement posté le mail car je suis déjà étonné qu'ils gèrent cette adresse mail. [EDIT] Finalement ça n'apporte rien de nouveau, juste un ramassis de bêtises.
  4. Zyrtecc

    [CREW PS3] Looking For El Dorado

    Bonjour tout le monde,   je visite régulièrement votre forum sur les mystères de gta V. Ayant fini l'histoire du jeu mais pas à 100%, je vais me lancer dans la recherche des sauts uniques, morceaux de lettres etc afin d'obtenir au plus vite les 100%. J'espère donc pouvoir apporter ma pierre à l'édifice que vous bâtissez autour de tout ce que R* peut cacher dans son chef d'oeuvre.   C'est donc dans cette optique que je post ici ma candidature pour devenir membre de votre crew. (Je ne sais pas si c'est ici que je dois poster ma demande).Je suis donc intéressé par les mystères mais aussi par l'appât du gain .   Il va évidement de soi que je suis en accord avec les règles du crew et du forum.   EDIT: J'ai oublié de dire que: J'ai 24 ans, je suis dispo les mardi et jeudi, parfois le week end. Tout dépend du boulot