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Vous voulez des codes ? et ben vous etes servis !
sex a pile a répondu à un sujet de Keitboor dans San Andreas
excellent les codes ! -
radio x puis bounce fm
alors que pensez vous de la durée de vie de gta ? moi je dis simple mais quelques difficultées
le test d'ign sur pc April 19, 2005 - In the original Grand Theft Auto games--you know, the ones you played on a "computer" with a "keyboard," you had several cities in one game that you could blast around in, causing the usual mayhem, wanton destruction and Borgesian analysis of the substance of reality, and most of that could be done sober. The big appeal of GTA San Andreas, besides inviting strutting white boys from malls across the country into a stylized version of the thug life, is that it combines all the major West Coast cities in one fell swoop, an amazing achievement when you consider the anemic horsepower of the PS2. Yeah, that's right, I'm talkin' smack! But not only did it all fit on one disc without choking the PS2, but they did it without hardly any load times. Thankfully for us San Fran kids, Rockstar was gracious enough to open up a local office just a few miles away from our fortified compound in Brisbane, and they even had a copy of GTASA for the PC to flash at us like shiny bling last week. I was tasked with heading up to North Beach, where we got a nice little presentation and some hands-on action. This build was on a laptop sporting a mobile version of the 9700 Pro (and using some Omega drivers, interestingly). San Andreas seems to support widescreen just fine, and I didn't notice any slowdowns, despite running hi-res wide--I recall it was 1650x1000. And thing loads incredibly fast. The game itself takes less than ten seconds (with a 3.2 GHz P4 and 1GB of PC3200 on the laptop), outdoor/indoor transitions are instantaneous, and cutscenes load whip-smart. Rockstar tells us that the games are designed from the start using high-res textures, so they didn't have to re-do that aspect of the game (or worse, just leave it as it is). Everything looks nice and sharp. You won't mistake it for Half-Life 2 or anything, but the combination of nice textures, improved view distance, and better character models makes it above-par for the PC. Unlike the PC version of Vice City, textures load a lot faster. You may recall building facades and pedestrians not appearing very fast when you were moving through the city at high speed, and there still is some of that going on here, but you have to look for it now. And with the much farther view distance, you can see buildings from miles off and drive right over to them. The sky also has a lot more color to it throughout the day/night cycle. Another nice feature that you won't see much of in the PS2 version is being able to control a vehicle and camera independently. This is great for high-speed chases (and escapes), when you want to see around a corner a little bit before you blow through it. You can steer with the mouse or the keyboard, and you can also use a gamepad. In "Just Business," near the end of the Los Santos mission series, where you have to fight the Russian mob and escape on a bike across miles of city, the precision of the mouse makes a world of difference when you're sitting on the back of the bike and popping your pursuers with the sub-machine gun. When I did it on the PS2 a few weeks back, this bitch of a mission kicked my ass nearly a dozen times before I finally got through by the skin of my teeth (granted, my mini-SMG skill was also pretty low at the time). On the PC, however, I got through on my first try with half of the bike's health left. I found targeting enemies while on foot to be smoother with a gamepad, though, and vehicle control still looks more natural than with a keyboard and mouse. The PC ports have always had sections that didn't work very well with its control scheme, and San Andreas looks like it's going to continue that trend, so I would recommend having a gamepad on hand. Nowadays, you don't have to necessarily buy a PC gamepad, since there are adapters you can buy, and some good Xbox/PS2 unofficial drivers floating around the 'Net. It's not a perfect solution, because the right analog stick doesn't get recognized correctly sometimes. One other new thing is a small but notable addition to the soundtracks. Like the PC version of Vice City, you can create custom soundtracks from MP3s, but now you can also tell the game to randomly insert its commercials in between songs. You won't get the DJ dialogues, since they typically lead into one of the game's own tracks, but all the commercials are in there. Of course, you can record your own DJ dialogue and convert it to MP3s and have the full package, as long as you sequence it correctly. Other than that, there won't be any new content--no new vehicles, weapons, missions, et cetera. Nor will Rockstar add any multiplayer, but I think it's safe to expect another Multi-Theft Auto from the MTA Team not too long after release. Since the volume was low for demoing purposes, it was difficult to tell if they'd downsampled the many tracks for the PC version. Vice City was on two CDs, and the song fidelity (and even some in-game dialogue) was noticeably lower in quality. We were sent along a shot of the retail box, and it sports the DVD-ROM logo, so it's safe to assume that the sound in the PC version will be nice and shiny. si quelqu'un pouvait le traduire...
ouai atteinte a la pudeur a la pudeur la flic elle ma dis que la prochaine fois elle m'emmene au commiseriat :ME24_T: moi g t pété en deux je me foutais de sa gueule, :EM05_T: elle m'as dis que si j'le fesait trop de fois j'irai en tole, elle a dis sa pour me fairte fliper :ME20_T:
et tu parles francais ?
houaaaaaaaaa ! t'habites en ecosse ?
Annif de ZEBIGBOSS + mise à jour de pages
sex a pile a répondu à un sujet de Keitboor dans San Andreas
ouai il était sur gta x perience avec moi et makroy et warleb on était modo -
dites moi l'age que vous aurez svp !
peace and love, mais g raison c la meme chose :EM05_T: .lol
c simple c un vent, c cassé quelqu'un si tu preferes
héhéhé, moi g montré mon cul au flics. :HU12_T: , c t trop marant
si c'est la meme chose mais au japon
sa c'est méchant ! :ME24_T: emmerdeur>>proviseur
mais c tout simple, c quoi ton avatar ? un ke tu as créé ou un que tu as fais ?
merci max pour ton cadeau mais je voudrais juste te demander un petit truc, je te l'enverai par mess privé quand tu me repondras
joyeux anniversaire maxoo !
:AM17_T: :HU12_T: :lolo: :ME19_T: :ME27_T: :VA01_T: ils sont vraiment trop bien !
Cours<<profs :ME21_T:
voila le lien cliquez-ici
je peux pas te repondre mais jepeux te dire que winning eleven c pes
sa c cool paske g pu changer d'avatar
j'aime pas<<>> le college