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À propos de foxmaster001

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  1. foxmaster001

    [IV] Meltdown

        MELTDOWN     Bonjour/Bonsoir peut être me connaissez vous déja (je suppose lol) je vous présente mon nouveau best-of, en anglais c'est plus simple Bon visionnage, les liens sont tous opérationel ^^   Edit: I've tried to make an over-editing video and a sexy quality, next I've deleted the errors from the previous videos (camera angles and cutscene that few friends didn't like). Sorry if you hate the 16bits colors, it change nothing to the stunts.   Intro: 0'20" Soft and clean.   Stuntpart: 5'25" The most impressive stunts I've done and few exclusivities (for me) fl-off stunts. (you ll spot them easily).   Outro: 0'55" Classic but sexy. --------------------------------------- Total: 6'40" (maybe too long for a solo). --------------------------------------- Song used: Go watch yourself ^^     LIENS:   XQ MKV 290mb Panoramic size (why not?) Click HQ MP4 190mb 1280/864* Click MQ MP4 97mb 800/600* Click MQ WMV 140mb 640/480* Click LQ MP4 40mb 320/240* Click LQ WMV 24mb 320/240* Click XLQ WMV 1,95mb (juste kidding) Click STREAMING (if you cant wait) Click Thanks for watching, if someone makes a review it could be funny Special thanks to everybody I've forgotten to thanks in the video, I hope oyu enjoyed it.