
Let's talk english !

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Idk why but whenever I read your posts, I read with a... heavy French accent.


Now, let's talk about beavers and the deforestation. It's a huge and dramatic problem. :ph34r:

Yeah, me too.


Deforestation destroy the planet.

Modifié par Heroe974

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Idk why but whenever I read your posts, I read with a... heavy French accent.


Now, let's talk about beavers and the deforestation. It's a huge and dramatic problem. :ph34r:


Save a tree, eat a beaver !

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Its also means « Reprendre », no ? Like in games.


Yup. There's the word "Resume", wich means "CV", but there's also the verb "to resume", wich means "reprendre", like you said. :)

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And I also guess that the pronunciation of the last "e" is different.


Yeah, "resume" (CV) is pronounced more like "Resumé", but with the english / amercian accent, it's sounds different than in french.

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Hum... so... for after-tomorow, I must do a resume of a movie ''Matilda" for my english homework. :/


Hum... so... for the day after tomorrow, I must do a summary of a movie called ''Matilda" for my english homework.

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