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I got an e-mail from Rockstar Support, and there's a spelling mistake in it. Can you find it?




Hello Yan2295,

You're request has been processed and will be sent out to you with the next batch. This could take sometime so please be patient, thank you again for your continued support.


Best regards,


Dwayne E.

Rockstar Support

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I got an e-mail from Rockstar Support, and there's a spelling mistake in it. Can you find it?




Hello Yan2295,

You're request has been processed and will be sent out to you with the next batch. This could take sometime so please be patient, thank you again for your continued support.


Best regards,


Dwayne E.

Rockstar Support


"Your" ! "Patch" ! :p

Modifié par Themax35

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No the error in this message, It's the yan2295 name. Indeed, it's not yan2295 but yan22.


That's all. :sleep:


Yan22 is yan22 ! Shit at the end.



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There is a well-known youtuber who, with all those little mistakes like your/you're or raping/rapping, made a show for this. His name is Jacksfilms and his show is Your Grammar Sucks.











There are 99 episodes (with 3 best-of), and sadly the 100th will be the last one.

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There is a well-known youtuber who, with all those little mistakes like your/you're or raping/rapping, made a show for this. His name is Jacksfilms and his show is Your Grammar Sucks.











There are 99 episodes (with 3 best-of), and sadly the 100th will be the last one.

There is a french youtuber too, it's Le Sad Panda with its "Je parle France" videos.





But we all don't care because he is french. So f*** the french ;)



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