
Let's talk english !

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By the way, I go to Scotland with my school tomorrow, until next monday. :)


Nice ! In Lowlands, Highlands, on the coast ?


When I'll have to study for several months in another country (and you always have to in engineering schools, no matter which school it is), I hope I could go there.

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Thanks !

And i'll take the plane for the first time (well, i already took a little plane, but never an airliner).


OK, so it must be an important city. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Perth... ? Modifié par GreenVivi

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What's the french for : "I gonna", "wanna" etc... :unsure: I see it everwhere but I never learnt this at school.


I'm astonished that you never saw it at school.

These are contracted ways to say "I want to" (I wanna) and "I'm going to" (I'm gonna). Don't know where it comes from, maybe people were bored of saying the classic expression.

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It's true and it was obvious. Their father is a swine which f*** everywhere thus the confusion is appropriate. Forgive my lack of logic !


Forgive my lack of logic ! :sleep:

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@GreenVivi : i'm writing this message from Edinburgh (because there's a lot of free-wifi networks here). :p


Okay. I guess they brought you to Leith, the town of the Edinburgh Hibernians, near the seafront ? (Sorry, but I have to keep a link with football everywhere :p )


Edit : I checked on GMaps and the Edinburgh airport (which is out of the city) is closer to the Heart of Midlothian's town.

Modifié par GreenVivi

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@GreenVivi : i'm writing this message from Edinburgh (because there's a lot of free-wifi networks here). :p

Send me a postal card! :crying2:


I love northen England countrys, particulary Ireland and Scotland. Hope to go there one day.


Have a nice trip!

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