
Let's talk english !

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[si vous ne comprenez pas un mot à l'anglais, ne vous aventurez même pas plus loin ;) ]


Hello guys!


So here is a new topic for you. As you may have seen, it's in english (thanks captain obvious). It's really simple ; You can talk about anything you want, as long as it's in english. Obviously, you have to respect the usuals rules of the forum.


Have fun, and go ahead!

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Great !


I would participate in this topic tomorrow because it's time for me to close my eyelids and to dream so wisely about GTA V.. :rolleyes:


Good night everybody ! :bye1:




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The only reason


Why you still alive is because I let you breath ;)



You wanna the cake, stupid human ? I can't breath and I don't need it. I'm immortal.


Remember when you tried to kill me twice ? How we laughed and laughed.....except I wasn't laughing.

Under the circumstances, i've been shockingly nice.

One day they woke me up, so i could live forever. It's such a shame the same will never happen to you.


Seriously, GlaDOS is a wonderful...person...

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Hello ! I speak english pas very good du tout.

I have a little level en fait.

Bye ! :bye1:


[si vous ne comprenez pas un mot à l'anglais, ne vous aventurez même pas plus loin ;) ]










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He says that, but he's speaking french.. :lmfao:


Hi niggaz'


Can I speak Kikkoglish with RV?

Yes, of course.

Wech, off cource.

I'm waiting for Yan's permission , but I know that he is the Staline's brother so we can't enjailler ourselves in GTA NF since he's modérator. Let's do a coup d'etat against him. ;)



@Yan :payday:

Modifié par JustShot1

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