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Et latéral de Mclaren mp4 et la on a une Vacca :lol:


The Vacca's design is a mix between the Lamborghini Gallardo and the Lamborghini Aventador, with some elements from the rear and sides of the McLaren MP4-12C. The headlights are somewhat derived from the Lamborghini Gallardo.




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Et latéral de Mclaren mp4 et la on a une Vacca :lol:


The Vacca's design is a mix between the Lamborghini Gallardo and the Lamborghini Aventador, with some elements from the rear and sides of the McLaren MP4-12C. The headlights are somewhat derived from the Lamborghini Gallardo.





Ah oui la c'est sur on à notre réponse ^_^

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