
Pb installation des new wheel...

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Bonjour a tous, vWala mon probleme :


J'ai retrouver le packs des roue que vous avez installer dans LostAngelz (Locolow co., Transfender et WheelArc Angel) sur un site, je voudrais l'installer sur MON SanAndreas, et le probleme c'est qu'il sont trop gros.

Il me donne des truc genre a copier/coller dans des fichire .txt, voici les message :






- Now you need to edit veh_mods.dat which is located in your data\maps\veh_mods folder. You will find an entry in there for each wheel...

change "vehicle" into wheel_*.* for each entry...


e.g. old: wheel_gn1, vehicle, ...


new: wheel_gn1, wheel_gn1, ...


that's about it for adding the wheels







In handling.cfg in the second handling flag... I will not be explaining how handling flags are defined... basically the flags read from back

to front, or right to left... so last number is the 1st digit...!!! the 3rd and 4th digit can decide whether the wheels are normal, narrow or wide. The

7th digit will tell the game whether it's a lowrider, a streetracer or transfender car.


e.g. 4004401 (2nd handling flag: 7th digit is 4 = streetracer, 3rd and 4th digit are 4 = wheels front and rear wide, the rest is down to you...)







you can setup wheels for a specific car in vehicles.ide, last four numbers...:


e.g. -1, 0.7, 0.72, 0 (0 = transfender / 1 = wheelarchangels / 2 = locolow / -1 = wheels not moddable)


First number: -1 = original wheel is not scalable... only the modded wheels can be scaled and you can use the values for the wheelsize to rise or sink

the car model in game. -1 is the best setup, and what Rockstar uses too... with 0 and 1, you can try to... the wheels are then scalable... but the mod

wheels will get hard to match...!!








In carmods.dat and shopping.dat you can decide which wheel is available in which shop... here's how it goes:


carmods.dat at the very end has got 3 lines, one starting with 0 =, one with 1 = and one with 2 =. This is the first part that defines which wheel is

available in which shop... but you need shopping.dat too...


e.g. 0 = wheel_gn1, wheel_gn2, wheel_gn3, wheel_gn4, wheel_gn5, wheel_or1, wheel_lr1, wheel_sr1 (this is transfenders... all those wheels should then

be available in that shop)


shopping.dat has also got the same sort of entry... at the very end... for each shop... you have to alter that accordingly too:



section carmod1 # Normal Cars This is also the Transfender entry... compare the wheel entries...!!!

type CarMods

item bnt_b_sc_l

item bnt_b_sc_m

item bnt_b_sc_p_l

item bnt_b_sc_p_m

item bntl_b_ov

item bntl_b_sq

item exh_b_l

item exh_b_m

item exh_b_s

item exh_b_t

item exh_b_ts

item lgt_b_rspt

item lgt_b_sspt

item nto_b_s

item nto_b_l

item nto_b_tw

item rf_b_sc_r

item spl_b_bab_m

item spl_b_bar_l

item spl_b_bar_m

item spl_b_bbb_m

item spl_b_bbr_l

item spl_b_bbr_m

item spl_b_mab_m

item spl_b_mar_m

item wg_l_b_ssk

item wg_r_b_ssk

item wheel_gn1

item wheel_gn2

item wheel_gn3

item wheel_gn4

item wheel_gn5

item wheel_or1

item wheel_lr1

item wheel_sr1

item stereo

item hydralics





Voila les message. Aidez mWa !!! ;)


Bon bin merci si vous m'aidez et au revoir ;):D

Modifié par mwa

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tu dois modifier le veh mods.ide par ex a la ligne


1025, wheel_or1, vehicle, 100, 2097152


ben tu change le vehicle par wheel or1 comme ici


1025, wheel_or1, wheel_or1, 100, 2097152


en fait le mot vehicle designe le fichier txd a ouvrir pour l'affichag des textures de la roue et pour ouvrir le fichier veh mods.ide tu l'ouvre avec le bloc notes ou plus simple tu le copie de lost angelz vers ta new install vu que c'est le meme wheelpack ...

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