
Analyse du Trailer et des Screens des Braquages

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Bien drôle je dois avouer :)


Juste dommage (selon moi) que certains gags reviennent souvent :huh:


("Rockstar va te faire regretter l'époque ou tu farmais ...", "P****n mais c'est la guerre ici")


Mais ta quand même super bien fais ça, chapeaux :)

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Nouvelles infos selon Nillxmodz Source leur forum flemme de traduire.. yan si tu m'entend..


We are excited to announce that we have found and compiled after days of analysis over the Christmas period, a set of new content that has been recently developed via Rockstar North for Grand Theft Auto Online. As you are probably aware, this is set to bring a host of new room interiors, clothing, weapons, vehicles and the biggest DLC to be released yet.

It was set on the servers that the Heist DLC would be released on December 23rd 2014 but unfortunately Rockstar changed it to 1999 shortly after being informed about our leaks and suddenly an IGN/Newswire post stated it was to be released in 2015 - this was probably to cover up their mistakes on their internal system.

There have been a bunch of new natives, codes and texture files uploaded to a server known as Telemetry-494398, we won't say too much on that as that's the NillxModz secret but this server contains a lot of source code that we investigate which is uploaded on a regular basis by the 'DEVSTARS' (Developers) to BETA test content - that was to clarify for those skeptical of our information.

We understand that it's hard to believe us, given the delayed release date, but know that game developers always delay, change and adapt at last minute and legitimate leakers such as us, are extremely flamed and hated because of this. Those who do not feel they can cope/trust with our information, simply do not need to read it!

NOTICE: As people are skeptical, we will provide source code this time round, but we usually do not to prevent multiple abuses.

The following natives were founded recently through the nesscary DLC source files, we've included an explanation for each of them in case you can't gather the context of the native alone:

IS_HEIST_BANK_RENDERED - This native calls for the game to render the interior/files required for a Heist mission in the bank located near Rockford Hills.

IS_CLIENT_SIDED_CONTEXT - This native checks that the client either has synchronized the game with others (for example if a car is destoyed) or if the action is for the client to see only and others are blind to the situation, this could be for a function known as Blind Eye.

LOCATE_NEAREST_REDNER_POINT - This native calls for the nearest 'Render Point' which is used for AI spawning etc during a Heist mission.

IS_JEFF_CONTACT_ENABLED - The contact we leaked before called 'JEFF' who will offer special abilities during Heist missions will be enabled on your phone contact list when this native is called.

IS_NIGHTVISION_ENABLED - This native calls for the Night Vision mode to activate, this means it will be used during certain parts of Heist missions.

IS_APARTMENT_HEIST_ACTIVE - This native activates the Heist-planning board depending on the progress of the Heist you had planned.

The following code was found for the Heist Planning Room in your GTA Online Apartment:

.rdata:401928AA 0000004 HST BOARD_HEIST_PLANNING - This is the function to use the planning board to start planning a Crew Heist mission.

.rdata:794837R4 00000002 HST TURN_PRINTER_ON_OFF - This is the function to use the printer to print a planning sheet which is stored in your file cabinet.

.rdata:102947C4 0000001 HST PRINTER_HEIST_PLAN_SC_CREW - This is the function to send the planning sheet via email on your phone to the rest of your selected Social Club Crew.

.rdata:284756DX 0000002 HST SHOW_BOARD_OUTLINE - Some rendering functions to render the sketch outline of the board textures.

.rdata:193846F4 00000007 HST HIDE_BOARD_TEXTURE - This is the function to hide the planning board during currently unknown situations, most likely to be set via variables in Tunables.

.rdata:685747X4 0000008 HST ALLOW_EMAIL_IFRUIT_APP - This is the function of a new feature coming to the iFruit app on smartphones etc.You can send Heist-related emails virtually through the app.

.rdata:395829W4 0000003 HST SET_FLOOR_RUMBLE_SMASH_FX - This is the function of a new feature to feel the floor rumble as something in a Heist mission explodes, also to see a smash hole in the ground.

.rdata:684928S4 0000003 HST SET_WATER_FLOOD_BUILDING - This is the function of a new feature to see water of some sort to pour from a building after bursting a water central pipe or something similar. This also means a building to flood with water.

What do you think of these new features? Let us know!

Modifié par Manhattan75

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J'ai vu, j'ai aussi pensé faire un topic, mais à ce que j'ai lu, ajouté à leur passé, je doute de leur crédibilité. Du coup j'estime pas que ça vaut vraiment la peine.

Ils ont commme même dit des choses vraies du genre les dėcorations dans les apparts, en ville etc

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Bon bah on va attendre que Yann nous traduise tout sa !


Non je ne vais pas traduire. Comme j'ai dit, je doute de leur crédibilité, mais en plus si ça s'avère vrai, il n'y a vraiment pas grand chose d'intéressant là-dedans.

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Je n'ai pas parcouru toutes les pages, alors si ça a déjà été dit, j'en suis désolé..
Mais, j'ai trouvé un truc intéressant pour ceux qui aiment les motos !


J'ai (re)regardé le trailer récemment et j'ai mis des pauses régulièrement, et j'ai constaté qu'à ce moment (séquence #13, merci pour l'image) il y a une moto avec l'insigne Principe :







Et ce réservoir, je ne l'ai jamais vu sur GTA ! Surtout qu'en deux-roues, il y a deux véhicules Principe : le Faggio et la Nemesis.
J'ai soigneusement pensé de prendre la Nemesis en photo (version PS3)...





Et... et.. Que voit-on ? La moto est différente ! C'est sur !


En Bonus, voici quelques images des motos !













Qui mise sur une nouvelle moto ?

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