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Mod CollectiblesOnMap - Comment récupérer les objets ?

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Salut à tous.

J'ouvre un nouveau sujet à propos du mod "CollectiblesOnMap v0.2"

Pour la précision, sachez que le mod se lance, est bien reconnu et que l'emplacement de chaque objets apparait bien sur la map ( fonction pause ) Il y a même l'écho radar du sous-marin qui résonne lorsque Miky/Franky/Trevor s'en approche...



Seulement voilà, arrivé sur place, il n'y a pas de morceau de vaisseau spatial, pas de clef, pas de valoche... même pas une bête icône spéciale pour indiquer symboliquement que c'est là.

Alors voilà, la question est : Comment fait-on pour récupérer l'objet ? Doit-on "creuser" ? ( peut-on même creuser dans un GTA, j'ai comme un sérieux doute... :huh: ) ou bien, doit-on utiliser un combo de touches spéciales ? ( Ça par contre, je sais que tirer dessus, ça sert à rien... J'ai testé le gun, l'uzi, les grenades, le bazooka, ça n'a rien changé... :lol:)

En ouvrant le LUA à la main, il n'est apparemment possible que de modifier le jeu des icônes et la couleur de celles-ci, c'est même spécifié dans le readme à la section "Customization".


Pour info, voici le readme :

Collectibles on Map v0.2
by Ocrimax

1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Customization
4. Known Issues
5. Changelog
6. To-do list

==1. Introduction==
--Thank you for downloading my mod!
--"Collectibles on Map" adds blips (or icons) on the map to show the exact location of the collectibles of GTA 5.
--The final version will include the location of every Spaceship Parts, Letter Scraps, Submarine Parts, Nuclear Wastes, Stunt Jumps, Under the Bridges, Knife Flights, Epsilon Tracts, Hidden Packages, Peyote Plants & Monkey Mosaics.
--If you have always wanted to complete the game and reach 100%, but have always struggled to collect the 375 collectibles, this mod is for you!
--You'll still have to search in order to discover them, but you'll get a huge help as their location will be available on the map in-game.
--Moreover, you'll unlock a lot of achievements!

==2. Installation==
1. Download "Script Hook V" (including the ASI loader) and extract the files into your game folder. You may download it from
2. Download "LUA Plugin for Script Hook V" and extract the files into your game folder. You may download it from
3. Choose your version (all the collectibles together in one file, or one file per collection of collectibles)
4. Extract the chosen LUA file(s) to /Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/addins/

==3. Customization==
--You may want to tweak the blips/icons to the ones of your choice.
--To do so, open the LUA file using NotePad++ (or any similar software) and change any of the values next to green lines.
--You can find the IDs for the icons and colors inside the downloaded archive.
--For instance, if you want to change the color of the Spaceship Parts blips to green, simply replace the current "75" value to "2".

==4. Known Issues==
--Please leave a comment on the page if you encounter any.

==5. Changelog==
---Added the 50 Letter Scraps location
---Added the 30 Submarine Parts location
---Added the 30 Nuclear Wastes location
---Added the 10 Epsilon Tracts location
---Added the 13 Hidden Packages location
---Added the 27 Peyote Plants location
---Changed the Spaceship Parts blip color
---Initial Release.

==6. To-do list==
• Add the 50 Stunt Jumps location
• Add the 50 Under the Bridges location
• Add the 15 Knife Flights location• Add the 50 Monkey Mosaics location
• Make the blips disppear when the collectibles are collected.

... Et le LUA ouvert avec l'équivalent d'un Notepad ( Gedit ) :

-- Collectibles on Map v0.1
-- by Ocrimax

local GUI = {}
GUI.GUI = {}
GUI.time = 0

local spaceshipParts = {{441,6459.5,30},{2196,5599,30},{2437,4780,30},{3820.5,4441.5,30},{2517,3789,30},{1486,3857.5,30},{1924,3471,30},{1963.5,2923,30},{889,2870,30},{172,2220,30},

local letterScraps = {{1469.5,6552,15},{1439.5,6335,24},{3436.5,5176,7},{1877,5079,51.5},{1337,4307,38},{1568.7,3572.7,33.2},{1294,3002,58},{929.5,2444,49.5},{3063,2212,3.5},{3082,1648,3.5},

local submarineParts = {{-909.5,6655.5,-33.5},{-986,6698.5,-41},{-1037,6736.5,-100},{3238,6487,-43.5},{3271.5,6421,-50},{3157,-268.5,-27.5},{3170.5,-302,-26},{3198.3,-385.3,-31},{3208,-415,-31},{1826,-2920.5,-36},

local nuclearWastes = {{-1435,5783,-29};{-1267,6261.5,-34},{-777,6726.5,-30},{1233,7080.5,-141.5},{1422.5,6856,-38},{1695,6992,-137},{2487.5,7002,-142.5},{2716.5,6957,-156},{2946,6537,-27},{3034.5,6551,-34.5},

local epsilonTracts = {{502,5604,798},{2658,-1361,-20.5},{25,7644.5,19},{-263.5,4729.5,138.5},{-772,-685,30},{-1605,5256.5,2},{-1804.5,404,113},{484,5617,788.5},{-75,-819.5,326},{-1725.5,-190,58.5}}

local hiddenPackages = {{-998.5,6538.5,-30.5},{3267.5,6408.5,-48.5},{4240.5,3600.5,-46},{3166.2,-309.2,-12.5},{2690,-1407,-23},{1779,-2984.5,-47.5},{262.5,-2278.5,-5},{-135,-2870.5,-21},{-2834,-467.5,-20},{-3179,3038.5,-34},

local peyotePlants = {{1483,6029,312},{2592.3,6156.5,166},{4165,3569.5,-47.5},{2347.5,2551.5,46.5},{514,3010,41},{1306,2105.5,83},{-116.2,1428.2,294.5},{437.7,782.7,193},{-95,322,143},{1328,-607,75},

local blip = {}
function GUI.unload()
	for i, coords in pairs(spaceshipParts) do
		for i, coords in pairs(letterScraps) do
	for i, coords in pairs(submarineParts) do
	for i, coords in pairs(nuclearWastes) do
	for i, coords in pairs(epsilonTracts) do
	for i, coords in pairs(hiddenPackages) do
	for i, coords in pairs(peyotePlants) do
function GUI.init()

	for i, coords in pairs(spaceshipParts) do
		blip[i] = UI.ADD_BLIP_FOR_COORD(coords[1],coords[2],coords[3])
		UI.SET_BLIP_SPRITE(blip[i], 368)
		UI.SET_BLIP_COLOUR(blip[i], 75)
        UI.SET_BLIP_SCALE(blip[i], 1)
		UI.SET_BLIP_AS_SHORT_RANGE(blip[i], true)
		for i, coords in pairs(letterScraps) do
		blip[i] = UI.ADD_BLIP_FOR_COORD(coords[1],coords[2],coords[3])
		UI.SET_BLIP_SPRITE(blip[i], 134)
		UI.SET_BLIP_COLOUR(blip[i], 21)
        UI.SET_BLIP_SCALE(blip[i], 1)
		UI.SET_BLIP_AS_SHORT_RANGE(blip[i], true)
	for i, coords in pairs(submarineParts) do
		blip[i] = UI.ADD_BLIP_FOR_COORD(coords[1],coords[2],coords[3])
		UI.SET_BLIP_SPRITE(blip[i], 308) -- you can change the blip sprite here
		UI.SET_BLIP_COLOUR(blip[i], 18) -- you can change the blip colour here
        UI.SET_BLIP_SCALE(blip[i], 1) -- you can change the blip scale here
		UI.SET_BLIP_AS_SHORT_RANGE(blip[i], true)
	for i, coords in pairs(nuclearWastes) do
		blip[i] = UI.ADD_BLIP_FOR_COORD(coords[1],coords[2],coords[3])
		UI.SET_BLIP_SPRITE(blip[i], 161) -- you can change the blip sprite here
		UI.SET_BLIP_COLOUR(blip[i], 46) -- you can change the blip colour here
        UI.SET_BLIP_SCALE(blip[i], 0.4) -- you can change the blip scale here
		UI.SET_BLIP_AS_SHORT_RANGE(blip[i], true)
	for i, coords in pairs(epsilonTracts) do
		blip[i] = UI.ADD_BLIP_FOR_COORD(coords[1],coords[2],coords[3])
		UI.SET_BLIP_SPRITE(blip[i], 206) -- you can change the blip sprite here
		UI.SET_BLIP_COLOUR(blip[i], 77) -- you can change the blip colour here
        UI.SET_BLIP_SCALE(blip[i], 0.7) -- you can change the blip scale here
		UI.SET_BLIP_AS_SHORT_RANGE(blip[i], true)
	for i, coords in pairs(hiddenPackages) do
		blip[i] = UI.ADD_BLIP_FOR_COORD(coords[1],coords[2],coords[3])
		UI.SET_BLIP_SPRITE(blip[i], 408) -- you can change the blip sprite here
		UI.SET_BLIP_COLOUR(blip[i], 64) -- you can change the blip colour here
        UI.SET_BLIP_SCALE(blip[i], 0.8) -- you can change the blip scale here
		UI.SET_BLIP_AS_SHORT_RANGE(blip[i], true)
	for i, coords in pairs(peyotePlants) do
		blip[i] = UI.ADD_BLIP_FOR_COORD(coords[1],coords[2],coords[3])
		UI.SET_BLIP_SPRITE(blip[i], 140) -- you can change the blip sprite here
		UI.SET_BLIP_COLOUR(blip[i], 69) -- you can change the blip colour here
        UI.SET_BLIP_SCALE(blip[i], 0.7) -- you can change the blip scale here
		UI.SET_BLIP_AS_SHORT_RANGE(blip[i], true)

return GUI

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