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C'est quoi tout se vide sous ta signature? Ça la rend hors-norme ça :whistling:


Bin j'en sais rien justement .. j'ai remarquer ça il y a peu de temps ! Je vais voir si je peux faire quelque chose :unsure:


Edit: En fait c'était un problème avec ma touche entrée, elle a crée un espace monstre en restant appuyer rien de bien grave ;)

Modifié par rockstar gamer

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Fait comme moi Watch good movies

Oh you wanna talk english, heh? Ok let's go, let's see what you can do.


Ok no problem homie, I let you see how we do it in the hood, I'm pretty good at this game


We bounce bro !

- We bounce ?

Yeah !

Michael learning some street talk from his dumb ass son Modifié par ASVP STVNA

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Oh yeah, you wanna play this game? I'm pretty good at it too, so we can play all night long if you want.


@Klutch Nah, that was not the citation, you failed it. It was: "Let's bounce. Bounce? We're bouncing now?" I joked about it with Rockstar once on one of their Livestream of Max Payne 3 on Twitch, that was a pretty cool moment.

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Oh yeah, you wanna play this game? I'm pretty good at it too, so we can play all night long if you want.

@Klutch Nah, that was not the citation, you failed it. It was: "Let's bounce. Bounce? We're bouncing now?" I joked about it with Rockstar once on one of their Livestream of Max Payne 3 on Twitch, that was a pretty cool moment.

Aight Nigga, I'm gonna kick your ass at this game

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Finally in brief, I really look forward to being finally able to play, levers in hands, it sublime and magnificent game ! :rolleyes:


J-13 :p

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Well we'll need something to talk about, because the game will end real fast if we don't have anything to say.


You know, sometimes I feel like I'm better in english than in French. That's weird. F*ck this, I'm going to


Or not.


Anyone else to join us in our conversation? Hey I should create a topic named "Let's talk english" where you can't talk french. I think it would end fast.

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Oh yeah, gtanf turns into an english forum for a few minutes, i like that.


So you talk english too? I didn't know that. That's cool. But you know what would be better? Hearing you speaking english. I think it would be priceless.

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Ja, je spreek goed angels maar je kan niet nederlands spreek !


On est bien d'accord, le néerlandais c'est moche et chiant.

Ik spreek ook Nederlands man Ik Ben gebooren in amsterdam ^^


Nee, je moet zegen : Ik ben in Amsterdam geboren



xd vs vs plainier qd on parl kom sa pck c pa francé mé qd vs parlay englais c pa francé nn plu xd

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