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Access Violation pour la nouvelle version

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Je viens d'installer SAMP sur Vista mais lorsque je le ferme, j'ai l'erreur Access Violation et je n'ai trouvé nul part la fameuse application à télécharger pour cette version...


Sauriez vous où je pourrais la trouver.


Merci d'avance !

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Désolé, moi je n'ai pas Vista mais GTA SA n'est pas vraiment "optimisé" pour jouez en multiplayer, surtout sur Windows Vista. Moi, je ne peux résoudre ton problème, j'espère que d'autres ont une réponse à ta question. GL.

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Hi guys. Long time no talk. I got my copy of Windows Vista Business Edition in the mail a couple days ago and got the urge to play SA:MP. I realized there are some issues with both SA:MP and San Andreas, and I have some surefire fixes for them. So here's a quick and dirty how-to on how to get everything up and running under Vista.


:hesitant: Install San Andreas as usual.

;)Download and install SA:MP as normal.

^_^ After installation, navigate to the folder you installed SA:MP (default: c:\program files\rockstar games\gta san andreas\)

;) Right click on samp.exe and go to "Properties".

:p Click the "Compatibility" tab, change the compatibility option to "Windows 98 / Windows Me", click OK.

8) Play!


It took me some time experimenting with settings and finding fixes, so hopefully this help those of you having trouble.



Have fun. :pinch:


(feel free to sticky this topic if you want)





2) After installation, navigate to the folder you installed SA:MP (default: c:\program files\rockstar games\gta san andreas\)

3) Right click on gtasa.exe and go to "Properties".

4) Click the "Compatibility" tab, change the compatibility option to "Windows 98 / Me", click OK.



Put it to 'Windows 95' that one works for me, 98 did the same to me as it does to you..

Also after setting it to Windows 95 (the compability) the ''bugged windows'' won't come after you exit SA:MP.


I hope this helps, not 100% sure does it. but I hope so. :w I hope that you can fix your samp, but don't give up on hope.



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